Dear Members of NACESA and OCESTA:

It is my pleasure to announce that the second "World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences" will be held at Stanford University, August 2-4, 2000. For your reference, the first circular of the Conference is given below (also attached as an MS word97 file). I would like to thank many of you for advice and encouragement. Especially, I would like to thank members of organizing committee and program committee for agreeing to serve, and Dr. Chen-Lin Chou for drafting this circular.

I am looking forward to having your support and participation.


I-Ming Chou

The Second "World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences"

Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
August 2-4, 2000

First Circular

Sponsors: Overseas Chinese Earth Science and Technology Association (OCESTA)
                Geological Society of China
                Chinese Natural National Science Foundation
                National Taiwan University
                National Central University
                University of Hong Kong

Theme: Geology of China and Trends of Earth Sciences for the New Millennium

Organizing committee:

J.G. (Louie) Liou, (Chairman;Stanford University)

Ta-liang Teng (Co-chairman; University of Southern California)
Sun Shu (Co-chairman, Natural National Science Foundation, China)
Chen Yuchuan (Co-chairman, Geological Society of China, Beijing)
Yi-Ben Tsai (Co-chairman, National Central University)

Ho-kwang Mao (Geophysical Laboratory)
Cong Bolin (Academia Sinica, Beijing)
Milly Wang (Geological Society of China, Beijing)
Ching-Hua Lo (National Taiwan University)
Min Sun (University of Hong Kong)
William H.K. Lee (U.S. Geological Survey, retired)
Chen-Lin Chou (Illinois State Geological Survey)
Yin An (University of California, Los Angeles)
Youxue Zhang (University of Michigan)
Zhanhao Duan (University of California, San Diego)
I-Ming Chou (U.S. Geological Survey)

Program Committee:

Edmund Chang (Chairman; Stanford University)
Ta-liang Teng (Co-Chairman; University of Southern California)
Yao Yupeng (Natural National Science Foundation, China)
Ruth Zhang (Stanford University)
Wang Yanjun (Geological Society of China, Beijing)
Simon Hsiao (Stanford University)

Background of the conference:

The first World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences, organized by the Geological Society of China, was successfully held in Beijing in August 1999. The fervid participation of Chinese geologists from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and North America proved it a constructive and effective channel for exchange of geological information and promotion of fellowship among world Chinese geologists. The second Conference is to be held at Stanford University, August 2-4, 2000, just before the 31st International Geological Congress in Brazil, so that about 30 to 50 Chinese delegates from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong will be able to attend on their way to Rio de Janeiro. It is a rare opportunity for world Chinese geologists to meet together on the American West Coast to discuss geological sciences of interest and professional issues of concern to Chinese geologists.


The three-day program will provide two days of scientific sessions and one day for sightseeing
and fellowship in the scenic northern California. The formal presentations will be in Chinese.

Highlights of scientific sessions:

1. Geology and mineral resources of China;
2. Geological and geophysical background of earthquakes in China during the global earthquake-prone period;
3. The 1999 921 Taiwan Chi Chi earthquake and findings in tectonics, seismology, and earthquake engineering;
4. Mineral joint venture activities and the Chinese Mining laws and regulations pertaining to foreign joint ventures;
5. Current funding, proposal review, and hiring practices in various agencies, and education reform;
6. Display of new geologic and tectonic maps of China; and
7. Trends of earth sciences for the new millennium.


The abstract can be on your current research in any field of earth sciences, a summary of recent progress of a field, or your thoughts about the future development of earth sciences. Extended abstracts in English or Chinese with no more than five pages in length (including figures and tables) should be submitted to Edmund Chang no later than March 31, 2000. It should be in
camera-ready format or in Microsoft Word file. An abstract volume will be bounded and distributed to the participants.

Dr. Edmund Chang
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Registration fee:

We will ask financial support from a few agencies to cover the costs. In case we don't get any
of these external supports, a registration fee of about US$150 for each participant, and US$75
for each student or accompanying person will be charged. It will cover the costs for the
abstract volume, meals (including 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and one banquet), coffee, tea, and
other drinks for breaks and poster sessions, and transportation for field trip.
Indication of interest:

Please return the form below before December 31, 1999 to indicate your likelihood to
participate. The second and third circulars will be sent to you in February and April-May,
2000, respectively.


Title of your paper:

Ideas and suggestions for the conference:

Mail the form to Dr. Edmund Chang, or use e-mail:
For additional information, please contact Edmund Chang or I-Ming Chou (
